Healing Gardens

rule of thirds photography of pink and white lotus flower floating on body of water
rule of thirds photography of pink and white lotus flower floating on body of water

Gardens are a source of comfort and healing for those who are experiencing grief.

There are several reasons why gardens can be helpful for those who are grieving:

Gardens provide a peaceful and serene environment: Gardens are often designed to be calming and relaxing spaces, with natural elements such as plants, flowers, and water features. Being surrounded by nature can provide a sense of tranquility and peace, which can be soothing for individuals who are grieving.

Gardens offer a sense of continuity: Gardens are often designed to change and evolve over time, with new plants blooming and seasons changing. This sense of continuity can be reassuring for individuals who are experiencing loss, as it can remind them that life goes on and that there is a natural cycle of growth and change.

Gardens can provide a sense of connection: Gardening can be a way to connect with others who are also experiencing grief, or with individuals who share a love of gardening. This sense of connection can be comforting and supportive.

Gardens can offer a sense of purpose: Gardening can provide a sense of purpose and meaning, as individuals work to nurture and care for plants. This can be particularly important for individuals who are struggling to find meaning or purpose after experiencing loss.

Overall, gardens can be a powerful source of healing and comfort for individuals who are grieving. By providing a peaceful and soothing environment, a sense of continuity, a sense of connection, and a sense of purpose, gardens can help individuals to cope with their grief and move forward in the healing process.